- Which collector is better: flat plate or evacuated tube. At Seven SS Stars , we supply and sell both types of technologies. Flat plate collectors work very well in warm, sunny conditions. Evacuated tube collectors, which cost about 20 percent more less their flat plate counterparts, work very well in cold, cloudy or otherwise unfavorable conditions. There are a number of factors to weigh when choosing between the two. At Seven SS stars we advice our clients on the same.
- What happens during cloudy days ? Do I still get hot water from my SWH?
On cloudy days also, if it is for a day or two, you still get warm water as water gets heated due to diffused radiation available in the atmosphere. If the sunlight is clear and for more time, the water will be heated more. The technical structure of Seven SS Stars evacuated tubes is made to get maximum benefit of sunlight. But if there is no sun at all, Seven SS solar water heaters Kenya have an electric option whereby the water can be heated by electricity when there has been no sunlight for three consecutive days.
- How much roof space will I need for my solar hot-water system?
This is largely dependent on the size of the solar hot-water system being installed. Each evacuated tube collector needs about 50 square feet, and each will generate anywhere from 80 to 240 Litres of hot water per day.
- How Long does it take to pay for itself?
Financial payback will vary depending on your circumstances, but with the available incentives plus the ongoing energy savings you can begin to recoup your additional investment straight away when you remain connected to the same solar water heating system. After you recover your initial investment, the savings are yours to spend on yourself and your family, year after year.
- How do i decide about the capacity to be installed?
For a house with one bathroom and 3 to 4 members, 200 liter per day capacity system should be sufficient. For more numbers of bathrooms, the capacity will increase accordingly due to pipe losses & more number of family members. Generally the capacity is decided based on hot water required in mornings for bathing. If the usage is in evening & at other times also, the capacity is decided accordingly. An example using Seven SS non-pressurized solar water heater is given below;

- Where can I purchase a solar hot-water system?
If you’re a homeowner interested in purchasing a hot-water system, you can locate a dealer near you by contacting us https://sevenssolarkenya.co.ke/
- Do i have to change plumbing at my place to install and use SWH?
Generally not required if you had already done piping for the hot water system. Minor changes may required such as, hot water needs to be attached with cold water with a mixture. Cold water tank to be at high level than solar water heating system if you want to install a low pressure system. You will also need to incorporate a pump for the pressurized system.
- What is the approximate cost of a solar water heater?
Cost of solar water heater depends on size and type of system installed. At Seven SS Stars the Smallest size of a system is 150 litres , which means that it can deliver 130 litres of hot water in a day at 60°C. A 150 capacity system is sufficient for a family of 3-4 members.Solar Water heating system in Kenya may cost SH 75,000 to SH .150,000 depending on the type of system. This includes the cost of the system and its installation. Free delivery is offered around Nairobi and its Environs.
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Inquiry E-Mail: info@sevenssolarkenya.co.ke